Posts Tagged 'Cookies'

World Nutella Day 2008

World Nutella Day聽2008

Even before聽I’ve started this blog (not so many days ago 馃檪 ), I’ve been wanting to participate in a blog event. I just didn’t know in which one.
And then I’ve read that February 5th 2008 is declared to be this year’s Nutella day by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, and I’ve also read that they are hosting a blog event for this occasion. What a perfect first blog event for me, as a former Nutella addict! (Wanna know how much of an聽addict? When I was聽 a kid, once in a few months, my mom would manage to get her hands on a jar of Nutella, and she would happily bring it home to me. I, on my part, would take the jar, kiss her thankfully, and go get myself a teaspoon. Then I would find a comfortable spot that would host my little (or not so little?) behind until I could see the bottom of the jar of this wonderful hazelnut spread. Oh yes, and I would enjoy every bite of it too!).

For this year’s Nutella day I’ve decided to make a recipe that I’ve made several times before, and was a great success every time. These are great Nutella filled roll-shaped cookies, they are made from a very flaky dough, and they melt in your mouth with every bite you take.
The source of this recipe is my favorite Israeli pastry-chef, named Carine Goren. She’s young, has a great character and a smiling face you’d be always happy to watch on cooking shows, but more importantly – every recipe of hers always has a most tasty outcome.

Nutella filled rolled聽cookies

Nutella filled rolled cookies / recipe by Carine Goren
Makes about 50 cookies

3 1/2 cups (500 gr) all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
3/4 cup (100 gr) powdered sugar
250 gr cold butter, diced
2/3 cup (160 ml) milk
1 1/2 cups Nutella spread

1. In food processor process together the flour, baking powder, powdered sugar and butter in short pulses, until you get a flaky mixture.
2. Add the milk and continue processing using short pulses, just until the dough is formed.
3. Heat the oven to 340掳F (170掳 celsius).
4. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Roll out each one of them to a rectangle 1/2 cm (1/5 inch) thick.
5. Spread the Nutella (if the spread is too thick, heat it up in the microwave for 10-15 seconds) on each one of the 3 dough parts, roll each part into a log. Place聽the logs聽(the “clean”, stitchless side up) on a big baking pan (I use the oven’s baking pan) with a piece of parchment paper on it.
6. Using a knife, mark slots on each log, a gap of 2 cm (0.8 inch)聽separates between each slot. This step makes cutting the cookies after baking very easy.
7. Bake for 25-30 mins, until golden.
8. Cool for 30 mins. Using the slots we’ve marked, slice the cookies. Powder them with powdered sugar and keep in a sealed jar at room temperature.

注讜讙讬讜转 诪讙讜诇讙诇讜转 诪诪讜诇讗讜转 谞讜讟诇讛 / 拽专讬谉 讙讜专谉

3 1/2 讻讜住讜转 拽诪讞 (500 讙专诐)
1 讻祝 讗讘拽转 讗驻讬讬讛
3/4 讻讜住 讗讘拽转 住讜讻专 (100 讙专诐)
250 讙专诐 讞诪讗讛 拽专讛, 讞转讜讻讛 诇拽讜讘讬讜转
2/3 讻讜住 讞诇讘 (160 诪”诇)
1 1/2 讻讜住讜转 诪诪专讞 砖讗讜讛讘讬诐 (谞讜讟诇讛, 诪诪专讞 转诪专讬诐, 专讬讘转 讞诇讘, 诪诪专讞 讞诇讘讛, 专讬讘讛 讜注讜讚)

诪讻讬谞讬诐 讗转 讛讘爪拽:
1. 讘诪注讘讚 诪讝讜谉 注诐 诇讛讘 诪转讻转 诪注讘讚讬诐 拽诪讞, 讗讘拽转 讗驻讬讬讛, 讗讘拽转 住讜讻专 讜拽讜讘讬讜转 讞诪讗讛 诇转注专讜讘转 驻讬专讜专讬转. 诪讜住讬驻讬诐 讞诇讘 讜诪注讘讚讬诐 讘诇讞讬爪讜转 拽爪专讜转 (驻讜诇住讬诐) 专拽 注讚 拽讘诇转 讘爪拽 讗讞讬讚.

诪诪诇讗讬诐, 诪专讻讬讘讬诐 讜讗讜驻讬诐:
2. 诪讞诪诪讬诐 转谞讜专 诇 – 170 诪注诇讜转
3. 诪讞诇拽讬诐 讗转 讛讘爪拽 诇-3 讞诇拽讬诐 砖讜讜讬诐. 诪专讚讚讬诐 讻诇 讞诇拽 注诇 谞讬讬专 讗驻讬讛 诪拽讜诪讞 拽诇讜转, 诇诪诇讘谉 讘注讜讘讬 1/2 住”诪.
4. 诪讜专讞讬诐 讘诪诇讬转 讛专爪讜讬讛, 诪讙诇讙诇讬诐 诇专讜诇讚讛 讜诪注讘讬专讬诐 诇转讘谞讬转 诪专讜驻讚转 讘谞讬讬专 讗驻讬讬讛 (讻砖讛转驻专 讻诇驻讬 诪讟讛). 讞讜讝专讬诐 注诇 讛驻注讜诇讛 注诐 讬转专转 讛讘爪拽 讜讛诪诇讬转.
5. 诪住诪谞讬诐 讞专讬爪讬诐 讘诪专讜讜讞讬诐 砖诇 2 住”诪 注诇 讛专讜诇讚讜转 (诇讛拽诇 注诇 讞讬转讜讱 讛注讜讙讬讜转 诇讗讞专 讛讗驻讬讛) 讜讗讜驻讬诐 25-30 讚拽讜转, 注讚 诇讛讝讛讘讛.
6. 诪爪谞谞讬诐 讜驻讜专住讬诐 诇注讜讙讬讜转. 诪拽砖讟讬诐 讘讗讘拽转 住讜讻专 讜诪讙讬砖讬诐. 砖讜诪专讬诐 讘讻诇讬 讗讟讜诐 讘讟诪驻’ 讛讞讚专.

Chocolate – the endless pursuit

Premium Double Chocolate聽Cookies

Wherever there’s chocolate – count me in. Apparently even before I was born, I was a sucker for chocolate, and if you want proof – ask my mom. Sweets in general, and chocolate in particular, have never been her favorite foods, but when she was pregnant with me, she started eating a whole chocolate bar a day.聽This tasty ritual of hers lasted for 9 months, and聽stopped the day she gave birth to me. So much for children not being already born with character 馃檪
So ever since I’ve been a great fan of chocolate, in all shapes and flavors. Even now, whenever I’m looking for an interesting recipe to prepare, those that contain chocolate appeal to me most.
And so it happened, that on our way to our honeymoon, Avi (my husband) and I bought an issue of “Bon Appetit” to read during the flight. As we were browsing through it, these wonderful looking cookies cought our eye, and we marked them ‘to immediately make when coming home’. As it often happens, the ‘immediately’ has been postponed to 2 months after we got back, when one Friday afternoon the cookies popped right back into Avi’s mind, and he asked me when I would bake them. ‘Now, of course!’ was my answer, and I got right ahead.
The outcome was simply delicious! These are very rich textured聽cookies, with a great chocolate flavor! I’d be definitely making these again, and again, and…well, you know, again聽馃檪

Premium Double Chocolate聽Cookies

Premium Double Chocolate聽Cookies / Ghirardelli chocolate factory聽
Makes: 24 cookies

12 ounces (340 gr) Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
11 1/2 ounces (325 gr)聽Bittersweet Chocolate
6聽Tbsps (85 gr)聽unsalted butter
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup (110 gr)聽chopped walnuts

1. In double boiler over hot water, melt bittersweet chocolate chips and butter.
2. In large bowl with electric mixer or whisk, beat eggs and sugar until thick; stir into chocolate mixture.
3. In small bowl, stir together flour and baking powder; stir into chocolate mixture. Gently mix in semi-sweet chocolate chips and walnuts.
4. Using a sheet of plastic wrap, form dough into two logs, each 2 inches in diameter and about 12 inches long. As dough will be quite soft, use plastic wrape to hold dough in log shape. Wrap tightly; refrigerate at least 1 hour or until firm. (Dough may be frozen; thaw in refrigerator before proceeding with recipe.)
5. Heat oven to 375掳F (190掳 celsius). Unwrap dough; with sharp knife, cut into 3/4-inch slices. Place slices 1 1/2 inches apart on greased or parchment-lined cookie sheet.
6. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or until shiny crust forms on top but interior is still soft. Cool on baking sheet; store in airtight tin up to 1 week.

注讜讙讬讜转 Premium Double Chocolate / 诪转讻讜谉 诪讘讬转 讛讬讜爪专 砖诇 砖讜拽讜诇讚 Ghirardelli


325 讙专诐 砖讜拽讜诇讚 诪专讬专
85 讙专诐 讞诪讗讛
3 讘讬爪讬诐
1 讻讜住 住讜讻专
1/3 讻讜住 拽诪讞
1/2 讻驻讬转 讗讘拽转 讗驻讬讛
340 讙专诐 砖讜拽讜诇讚 爪’讬驻住
110 讙专诐 讗讙讜讝讬 诪诇讱 拽爪讜爪讬诐 讙住 (讗谞讬 讛砖转诪砖转讬 讘驻拽讗谉 讟讘注讬)

讗讜驻谉 讛讛讻谞讛:

1. 诪诪讬住讬诐 讞诪讗讛 讜砖讜拽诇讚 爪’讬驻住 诪注诇 讘讬讬谉-诪讗专讬.
2. 诪拽爪讬驻讬诐 讘讬爪讬诐 讜住讜讻专 讘诪讬拽住专 注讚 砖诪转拽讘诇 拽爪祝 讬爪讬讘. 诪拽驻诇讬诐 讗转 讛拽爪祝 砖谞讜爪专 诇转讜讱 转注专讜讘转 讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 讜讛讞诪讗讛.
3. 讘拽注专讛 拽讟谞讛 诇注专讘讘 拽诪讞 讜讗讘拽转 讗驻讬讛. 诇讛讜住讬祝 讗转 转注专讜讘转 讛拽诪讞 诇转注专讜讘转 讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 讜诇注专讘讘 专拽 注讚 诇拽讘诇转 转注专讜讘转 讗讞讬讚讛.
4. 诪注专讘讘讬诐 驻谞讬诪讛 讘注讚讬谞讜转 讗转 讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 爪’讬驻住 讜讛讗讙讜讝讬诐 注讚 砖谞讟诪注讬诐 讘讗讜驻谉 讗讞讬讚.
5. 讬讜爪专讬诐 诪讛讘爪拽 砖谞讬 讙诇讬诇讬诐 诪讗讜专讻讬诐, 注讜讟驻讬诐 讘谞讬讬诇讜谉 谞爪诪讚 讜诪注讘讬专讬诐 诇诪拽专专 诇砖注讛 诇驻讞讜转, 讗讜 注讚 诇讛转诪爪拽讜转 砖转讗驻砖专 诇谞讜 讞讬转讜讱 拽诇 讘注讝专转 住讻讬谉 砖诇 讛注讜讙讬讜转.
6. 讻专讘注 砖注讛 诇驻谞讬 讛讻谞住转 讛注讜讙讬讜转 诇转谞讜专 诪讞诪诪讬诐 转谞讜专 诇 – 190 诪注诇讜转.
7. 诇讞转讜讱 驻专讜住讜转 诪谉 讛讙诇讬诇 讘注讜讘讬 讛专爪讜讬 砖诇 讛注讜讙讬讜转, 讜诇住讚专 讘讗讜驻谉 诪专讜讜讞 注诇 讙讘讬 转讘谞讬转 诪专讜驻讚转 讘谞讬讬专 讗驻讬讛.
8. 诇讗驻讜转 12-14 讚拽讜转, 讗讜 注讚 砖注诇 讙讘讬 砖讟讞 讛驻谞讬诐 讛注诇讬讜谉 砖诇 讛注讜讙讬讜转 谞讜爪专 拽专讜诐 诪讘专讬拽, 讗讱 驻谞讬诐 讛注讜讙讬讜转 注讚讬讬谉 专讱.

April 2024

